Thursday, March 8, 2007

Recurring events and reminders

Best relief from coordination overhead can be achieved by using Geeboard to coordinate recurring tasks – those tasks we do once or more a week, every week.

Last time I gave the “swim practice” board example. Ron's group practices twice a week.

Recreating a board twice a week seems like far too much overhead, and reminding everybody to use the board is super menacing. So we've created recurring events and reminders.

Let's have another look at the swim board from the last post:

notice the top ellipse around “board settings”. If you can't guess what page you'll see after clicking it – don't worry! The next screen shot will be of the board settings page.

The second ellipse surrounds the recurring event time line – the time for the next event.

So – users can define that the board has recurring events, in which case the board is reset about two hours after the event. After reset the user decisions are reset (allowing users to decide what they want to do at the next event), and the recurring event title shows the time for the next event.

So, let's have a look at the board settings page, as promised earlier:

again – fairly simple! The users can define the days and the hour in which the event takes place.

The second row allows the users to set when a reminder will be sent to all of the boards' users.

The reminder must be sent before the event, of course.

In this case, this is what the reminder email looks like, in the user's email box at 7:00 or a tad later. This is actually a reminder from my gmail. (didn't get an email? Check your spam folder).

Clicking the link will take you to the board, to review and update.

tune in for the next post, about inviting users to the board.

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